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The Downside of Selling Paradise

The Downside of Selling Paradise

I probably have the BEST job in the world – selling paradise! Some days I get to stick my toes in the sand and other days I am touring mansions overlooking the blues of the Caribbean Sea. I like to consider my job title “St. Croix Ambassador” and most days are...

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Hot Flashing in the Tropics

Hot Flashing in the Tropics

This particular post is for the ladies... or those men looking for opportunities to man-splain something later and then get smacked for it! When we first visited the Dominican Republic and then purchased a house a year later, I was normal, hormonally speaking. I...

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Island Days That Make You Miss Snow

Island Days That Make You Miss Snow

When we first announced to our family and friends that we were moving to the Dominican Republic, everyone was so envious of us leaving snow behind. No more shoveling snow! You can give those snow shovels away! Give all your coats to goodwill! No more winter boots and...

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Jumping Through Those Island Hoops

Jumping Through Those Island Hoops

In relocating to an island from the US, there are so many new things to wrap your head around. Practically everything is different - none more so than driving. On my island, you do not pump your own gas - ever - and driving here can be likened to suicide. You just...

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Evolution of an Island Writer

Evolution of an Island Writer

Looking in from the outside, it must seem as if those of us lucky enough to reside in the Caribbean region are blessed. The sky is blue, the sea is warm, and the sun shines almost every day of the year. Though gazing out from the inside, it can be a different story...

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Women Who Live On Rocks
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