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My Island Retirement Scorecard

My Island Retirement Scorecard

We spend our lives trying to accomplish things. We study in school to get good grades so we can accomplish academic goals. We work hard at our jobs so we can accomplish career success. We make plans, save money, and invest so we can accomplish financial security. We...

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10 Tips for Driving the Bahamian Way

10 Tips for Driving the Bahamian Way

With one main road and nary a stoplight for 110 miles, driving on Eleuthera can feel like taking a leisurely Sunday outing through the countryside. Or it can be amusing, befuddling, comical, confusing, frustrating, and even dangerous. All at once. Having lived on this...

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Downsizing for a Tropical Retirement

Downsizing for a Tropical Retirement

We had too much stuff. There was no way that all that had accumulated over 32 years of marriage, three kids, and a big home was going to fit into our retirement island home. We had been flirting with downsizing for a few years - now it was time to get serious. A...

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Clean Days VS Dirty Days on the Rock

Clean Days VS Dirty Days on the Rock

On the rock, we have sunny days and cloudy days. We also have "clean" days and "dirty" days. A clean day means I take a shower, wash my hair, and put on clean - if not pressed - clothes. The impetus for such rare occasions is usually an invitation to have lunch out...

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Boas in the Bahamas

Boas in the Bahamas

"Dave, can you come here NOW? There's a snake in our living room." It's a testament to my years on Eleuthera that I wasn't screaming and running for cover when I saw the 3ft snake that had slithered into the living room via an open sliding glass door. Before moving to...

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Livin’ on Island Time

Livin’ on Island Time

Mother Nature is a great clock but a very unreliable calendar. Living on an island, I quickly learned to tell the time, tides, and weather without any electronic devices. From my bed, listening to the waves slapping the beach, I can tell if it's high or low tide. From...

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