Written By:

Current Rock of Residence:

St. John, USVI

Island Girl Since:

January 2016

Originally Hails From:


Victoria came to a point in her life where she needed to make a decision about her future: she either needed to go to a graduate school to earn a master’s degree in therapy, or start working at an entry level social work job. She couldn’t decide, so she chose to move to an island instead. Fresh out of college, she moved to St. John to avoid most of her problems, sweat a lot, spend a ton of money, and lay around on some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean.

Moving from Suburbia to St. John meant trading in her Kate Spade and Louis Vuittons for tank tops and bikini bottoms. Though she is still grieving the loss of Dunkin’ Donuts’ iced coffee, her favorite island coffee shop keeps her energy level high for her job in childcare. She keeps herself busy being a frequent happy hour attendee, an overbearing friend, a writer, and a beach bum.

Though she is regularly asked what her “plan” is, or her “end date”, she still can’t quite come up with an answer, so she has decided her plan will come to her and her time left on the island is indefinite. Being 23 years old and a new kid on the rock means that she is always learning something, probably making herself look stupid fairly often, drinking too much, but having a hell of a lot of fun. You can also follow her on her personal blog, The Life She Had Imagined.

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