Let me tell you, being part of Women Who Live on Rocks has been absolutely wonderful so far! I’ve had the chance to meet so many amazing women from all over the world. I’ve learned a lot about what island life is like for others and how we all share many things in common as islanders, no matter what rock we find ourselves on. Hearing your stories and virtually “meeting” you has been a real treat. (What would we do without the internet?)
One really cool thing I’ve done is being a guest on the podcast Start A New Life Living on an Island (apart from hating the sound of my recorded voice-why is that?? I think everyone feels that way, right?). Rachael Krinks, the host of the show lives on Coochiemudlo Island, off the coast of Australia. I had a great time with her discussing island life, so I wanted to share the episode with you. Her podcast has some really interesting guests (way more interesting than me!), so check it out!
Here is her intro to our interview and you can give it a listen here.
Our guest today is Jacqueline Schofield, host of the wildly popular Women Who Live On Rocks blog, Facebook and Instagram pages. Jacqueline is originally from Canada and moved to the Cayman Islands as a young woman and her story of how she picked her island has to be heard to be believed!
Jacqueline reveals what it’s REALLY like to live on a small island, what drew her away home to Canada and then why she moved back to the island for GOOD. What was it about island life that drew her back? Today’s chat is full of insights and Jacqueline has lots of tips and food for thought for anyone contemplating moving to an island – including the LAST thing islanders want to hear you say when you arrive…
What is it about living on an island that makes you feel “It feels like that’s where your body is at rest, like it’s where you’re meant to be?” Listen to our discussion about this, by downloading now…
Be sure to give it a listen. Hope you enjoy the podcast. Maybe this is something we should start here at Women Who Live on Rocks? Hmmmmmmm… a WWLOR podcast? I could think of so many of you who would be fantastic guests!! What do you think?