Written By:

Current Rock of Residence:

Grand Cayman

Island Girl Since:

August 2016

Originally Hails From:

Manchester, UK

Emily is a relatively new island girl, having called Grand Cayman her home for just over 2 years. At first she wasn’t sure it was for her, but after getting past the culture shock of island time, island cars, and year-round humidity, she started to fall in love with the tropics – and all of its quirks!

She works by day as a music teacher, educating children in the art of woodwind and piano all over Grand Cayman; and works by night as a professional musician entertaining patrons in hotel bars with chilled out saxophone tunes. When not working she loves spending time on her rock animal spotting, drinking prosecco, and swimming in the ocean as the sun is setting (sometimes all three at the same time!).

Although sometimes she misses the bustle of the city and the chill of a winter’s day back in England, Emily has slowly found herself evolving into a real island girl who can appreciate the laid back Caribbean state of mind and the many joys that come from living in paradise. She still likes to get off the rock every now and then for an adventure though!
For more on Emily and her adventures, check out her blog Letters to England or follow her on Instagram.

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Women Who Live On Rocks
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