Seems as if recent climatic events and other disasters seen on TV news reports, have triggered a multitude of residual emotions in me which I thought I had gotten rid of during Irma/Maria Recovery.
The following is an excerpt from my published Hurricane journal “TWO RUDE SISTERS- IRMA & MARIA. A thought occurred to me that many of you women have experienced some or all of the same feelings I had and continue to have up to now. Feel free to post your comments.
Here it is “Simple Joys Of Life After The Storms”( originally written 9/24/2017)
After surviving two category five hurricanes within two weeks, I’ve come to realize the simple, basic things which now give me reasons to rejoice.
Waking up from sleeping in my very own bed again is a pure joy. And what added elation to see my husband wake up and open our front door before sun up. We go out to our porch and experience the sun’s rising together. Then, after days of dreary rain, wind, thunder and lightning, we’re watching the sunshine return. Even at times when it’s hot and blinding us, it’s such a treat!
Sitting on my tiny front porch, waving to neighbors, and greeting passers-by is also quite a precious way to pass the time.
Watching the movements of our island’s birds, observing the lizards and iguanas, seeing how the chickens interact with each other. I marvel at so many daily examples of science right before my eyes.
But suddenly, I’m struck with a slight pang of sadness as I reflect briefly on how we all could’ve perished in either devastating storm. Looking around at all of the destruction, remembering countless good times shared with friends, the happy celebrations and ceremonies once held at those places which are now badly damaged or totally demolished. As we wait for the power lines, internet services, and cable TV to be restored, and as troublesome and harassing being without these conveniences is at this time, I can still give thanks and praise for sparing our lives.
While I sit today on my wee little porch of my teeny tiny apartment, I feel extremely blessed to be able to enjoy the simple joys of just being alive.
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