I have an exciting new addition to the Women Who Live on Rocks website to share with you today and I’m hoping it’s something you will find immensely useful!

I’ve been getting requests via email and through our social media accounts for awhile now that I haven’t had the right solution for…

Things like islanders wanting to meet others on their individual islands; people wanting to move to a specific island with a desire to ask questions of islanders who reside there; islanders wanting support from fellow island loving souls on an island issue or event near and dear to their hearts; and the list goes on.

While our Facebook page is a a fun, active community of people to connect with, what’s been missing is a way for you all to interact with one another directly, not just with the page as a go-between. Now, you get to make the posts too.



The Rock Talk Forum


rock talk island forum women who live on rocks islanders questions life on a rock

What is it?


The Rock Talk Forum is a free, online discussion space for all things island-related.


Who is it for?


Everyone is welcome – men and women, people who live on islands and people who don’t.

Just please remember to be respectful and kind. We have a couple of rules that if you break ’em, we’ll be forced to ban you. CliffsNotes version: basically just don’t be a racist, bullying, nudy-pic-sharing, spammy asshole and you’ll be fine.



What can you post in the forum?


So. Many. Options.

If it involves a tropical island in any way, shape, or form, this is your space to chat about it.

–   –   –

Do you live on an island and wish you could find more people there to connect with? Post about it!

Do you have an island cause that you’d like fellow island souls to support? Post about it!

Do you have island photos you’d like to have featured in our “Peek Into My Island Life” photo series on Facebook? Post ’em and get featured!

Are you visiting an island and want to meet people there during your trip? Post about it!

Do you have an island hobby you think others would like to chat about too? Post about it!

Are you hosting an island event you’d like to invite people to? Post about it!

–   –   –

I’m sure you’ll have plenty of other topic ideas that I haven’t even thought of yet. I look forward to watching this forum evolve into something that serves all of your island needs.


island girls women beach hats islanders life on a rock by the seashore


How it works


There are several main forums already set-up for you to post in. Think of these as broad categories.

As a visitor to Rock Talk, you can create topics and post your comments in topics that have been created by others. Topics are threads of posts that fall under the broader forum categories.

For example, one of the main forums is called, “Island Animal Lovers Forum.” Do you have a question about how other islanders keep their dog food fresh in the tropical humidity? Create a topic about it! Title it something like, “Dog Food Storage Tips on a Rock” then ask your question and wait for others to chime in.

There are also island-specific forums that have been set-up. These are perfect for communicating with people about a topic as it relates to a particular rock. For example, if you’re wanting to move to Roatan and you’re wondering if solar power is an option there, the “Roatan Island Forum” would be the place to post your topic/question.



How to keep updated on forum postings


Ok, so you’ve posted your topic or you’ve answered a question someone else posted. How do you know when someone else replies?

It’s simple – just hit the “subscribe” button when you’re in the individual topic/forum. This will then send you notifications on any updates to the topic you’d like to follow. Subscribe to as many as you want – you can keep track of these in your Profile section.



How to get started


We have a super easy registration process. Create your free account here by simply selecting a unique user name and entering your email address. We’ll email you a password and then you’re all set.

What’s next?

Start a topic! Answer someone else’s question! Be a resource!

The main thing this forum needs to thrive is your participation. You wouldn’t want to ask a question and get crickets as a response, would you? Then don’t let that happen to others either.

Not only can you share your wealth of island life knowledge, but you can also enjoy a new way to meet people who share your passion for the tropics.


–   –   –


My goal is for the Rock Talk Forum to become your one-stop, all-things-island resource page. While there are some other island-related forums out there already, they can be tricky to discover and they’re generally not all encompassing (meaning they only serve one specific island or one specific need).

I want this forum to serve you and your needs, so if there’s something you’d like to see added or if there’s something not functioning in a way that’s useful to you, please send me an email or post about it in the “Report an Issue Forum.”

Now head on over, get registered, and check it out. I’m pleased to welcome you to Rock Talk!

Written By:

Current Rock of Residence:

Virgin Gorda, BVI

Island Girl Since:


Originally Hails From:


Chrissann’s home rock in the British Virgin Islands feels bigger to her than it actually is. Though after spending five years on a teensy one acre island, the current 13-mile long rock she’s residing on now IS ginormous, at least by comparison. As with everything in the tropics, it’s all about perspective.

Once upon a time she used to care about things like matching her purse to her pumps but these days, any activities that require a bra and shoes go under careful, is-this-even-worth-it consideration. If island life has taught her anything at all, it’s that few things are more rewarding than time spent in the pool with a cocktail in hand.

As the Editor in Chief of this site, she spends her days working from home with her blue-eyed sidekick, Island Dog Diego, writing, editing, and cultivating content in the hopes of bringing some laughter and lightness to her fellow island souls. She recently published her first children’s book, When You’re a Baby Who Lives on a Rock, and is pretty pumped to share it with all of the island mamas out there. Her days off are typically spent boating, hiking, and meeting up with the neighborhood’s imperious roadside goats, who she shamelessly bribes into friendship. While normalcy was never listed as one of her special skills, Caribbean life may indeed be responsible for new levels of madness. She attributes at least a smidge of her insanity to the amount of time she spends talking to drunk people.

If you’re somehow still reading this and feel inclined to find out more about this “Chrissann” of which we speak, you can also take a gander at her eponymous website or follow her daily escapades on Instagram @womanonarock.

Want to read more posts by this writer? Click here.

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