Buying property on PR Post Stormageddon

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    • #24032

        My husband and I have been cruising on our sailboat for a little over 5 years now and are in the process of buying a small villa in Arroyo, PR. I’m looking for information and advice from recent buyers who can tell me if and how the process has been affected by the storms. Things to look for in the property, changes in homeowner’s insurance and what to look for when buying a used car are things we would love to hear about, but anything else we should be looking out for would be appreciated.

      • #24038
        Chrissann Nickel

          Congrats on the new home in the works! This is a great convo topic. Looking forward to more people chiming in once the forum gets rolling at full speed. 🙂

        • #24695
          James Foster

            Nice article, but i already seen it

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