Written By:

Current Rock of Residence:

St. Kitts

Island Girl Since:


Originally Hails From:

New York... sort of.

Unbeknownst to Heidi, her heart was stolen in 2001 while visiting her sister at Veterinarian University on the rock of St. Kitts. The sick to her stomach feeling when getting on a plane to leave the rock was not yet enough for her to understand her heart’s true desire. She set off to revamp her life, leading her to a Master’s program to teach English as a second language which she hoped would allow her to travel more.

But the conch shell kept on blowing and was impossible to ignore after she moved to teach English in Costa Rica. Heidi found herself stealing away from her new home in paradise back to the rock of St. Kitts. A long distance love affair usually ends in heartache and her whole person was in constant pain – she missed her love, St. Kitts. Finally, she succumbed, moving there in 2007.

Now her days are spent living out her burning love affair with St. Kitts and Nevis – capturing the scenic beauty of the islands through photography, keeping company with the animal characters in her books, and developing youth sailing programming in the Federation. To add a bit of flare to her “crazy life”, she joined her husband in restoring gems. She refers to it as wrenching on cars while liming with her best friend. They are not just any cars, but her beloved mellow yellow Jeep and his four fantastic, historic Land Rovers.

Each and every day she wakes up and thinks, “Wake me up from this dream and demon of a life. I am alive and happy.” WOOP WOOP! For more about Heidi, check out her website, Miss Heidi’s World.

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