Welcome to the newly revamped Women Who Live on Rocks! Come on in. Look around. Get comfy.

After 4 years (which is ancient in website years, let’s be real), it was about time this island girl got a facelift.

With 150+ contributors from around the globe, 400+ published posts, and so much more lurking on this site, I wanted to make it easier than ever for both new and repeat visitors like you to find exactly what you’re looking for (not to mention other goodies you may not have even known to look for!).

where island girls come to play

The best place to begin is the Start Here page. There you’ll find some basic info about us, where you fit in, and how to navigate the site.

For those of you who have been connected with us for awhile now, here’s the fresh stuff you can look out for:


– There are now more ways than ever to specifically search for content that intrigues you. Beyond the search bar on the top of each page, you can explore posts by category of interest, by author, by island, and even by the type of island girl you identify yourself as.

– With so many of you checking us out on your phones and tablets, we have an improved mobile experience for you which we will continue to optimize for ease of use and even better readability.

– Looking for more island-related stuff on the web? Our new Rock Resources page is your one stop shop to the tropics online. This is where you can find our always popular list of island blogs (formerly in our sidebar), as well as island websites, products we love for life in the tropics, and more. My fav new feature on this page? The island books section! Either about the islands and/or written by island authors, these publications will help you stock up your must-read list for months to come.

– We have a new Instagram handle and we’d love to hook up with you there. We’re @womenwholiveonrocks – what’s your handle? Everyday, we showcase photos of island women’s lives around the globe. Use #womanonarock to have your pics featured – the beautiful, the amusing, and the absurd.

– Want some island-style inspiration? We’re now on Pinterest and are pinning everything from awesome island bloggers we’ve found, island art, island life must-haves, and more. Link up with us there to share island goodies and ideas.


– We’re always looking for more ways to connect island women. We’ll be launching some additional fun opportunities online soon, so be sure to follow along on our main Facebook page, as we’ll announce them as they arise there.

– After the huge, positive response from our 1st Island Writers’ Retreat #ROCKtreatPR, we’re already at it planning the next WWLOR event. I’m not yet able to announce the location and details, but be sure you subscribe to be the first to know when it’s announced.

– So many of you have asked for WWLOR merchandise and we’re working on it (shipping in the islands, as you know, is the trickiest part), so stay tuned!

– We’re going to be launching a new series I’m very excited about called, “Women Who Rock Their Rock.” In it, we will showcase island gals doing amazing things and making a difference on the rocks they call home. If you know someone who would be a good fit for this interview series, shoot me an email with a brief description of what makes them so awesome and connect us via email.

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If you’re not already subscribed to receive our island mail via email, I recommend you do so here, as there will be unique things we only share in that space. The format has changed slightly – we now will send you a weekly digest (rather than twice a week as it was before) filled with a letter from yours truly, the newly published posts of the week, and other fun, island related finds from the web, cultivated just for you. If once a week if too frequent for you, you have the option to receive a monthly digest instead.

Thanks so much for all of your interest, support, and for being an active member of our island community.

Until we chat next, keep on rockin’ it!

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Written By:

Current Rock of Residence:

Virgin Gorda, BVI

Island Girl Since:


Originally Hails From:


Chrissann’s home rock in the British Virgin Islands feels bigger to her than it actually is. Though after spending five years on a teensy one acre island, the current 13-mile long rock she’s residing on now IS ginormous, at least by comparison. As with everything in the tropics, it’s all about perspective.

Once upon a time she used to care about things like matching her purse to her pumps but these days, any activities that require a bra and shoes go under careful, is-this-even-worth-it consideration. If island life has taught her anything at all, it’s that few things are more rewarding than time spent in the pool with a cocktail in hand.

As the Editor in Chief of this site, she spends her days working from home with her blue-eyed sidekick, Island Dog Diego, writing, editing, and cultivating content in the hopes of bringing some laughter and lightness to her fellow island souls. She recently published her first children’s book, When You’re a Baby Who Lives on a Rock, and is pretty pumped to share it with all of the island mamas out there. Her days off are typically spent boating, hiking, and meeting up with the neighborhood’s imperious roadside goats, who she shamelessly bribes into friendship. While normalcy was never listed as one of her special skills, Caribbean life may indeed be responsible for new levels of madness. She attributes at least a smidge of her insanity to the amount of time she spends talking to drunk people.

If you’re somehow still reading this and feel inclined to find out more about this “Chrissann” of which we speak, you can also take a gander at her eponymous website or follow her daily escapades on Instagram @womanonarock.

Want to read more posts by this writer? Click here.

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Women Who Live On Rocks
Our Island Makeover
where island girls come to play
Keep in touch with the tropics!
Women Who Live On Rocks
Our Island Makeover
where island girls come to play
Keep in touch with the tropics!
Women Who Live On Rocks
Our Island Makeover
where island girls come to play
Keep in touch with the tropics!